Friday 18 December 2015

Puppy Christmas Photoshoot.

A couple of weeks ago we had the pleasure of dog sitting this little cutie. I am quite the dog person so I was beyond happy when I discovered we could have this little guy for just over a week. He is still a puppy (although kind of a big puppy now) so he had the most perfect puppy eyes that you just fall in love with. On top of his complete and utter adorableness, he was so friendly and just so cute! I could of dog napped him for sure! (I am joking ;D)

So I had this idea of doing a Christmas inspired photoshoot with a pet for absolutely ages and I was just dying to make it happen. Unfortunately, my chinchilla wouldn't sit still for more than 0.5 of a second so this little puppy was just perfect. 

I set up a little seat in front of the Christmas tree (with the lights on) and with a little treat persuasion it worked! He was such a good dog, letting me put the hat on him and posing for the photos. I was so so happy with the outcome. I also used a white blanket on the seat for a couple of the images. 

Having taken the photographs, I then edited them on photoshop. I changed the background to look more professional and adjusted a few settings such as the contrast. I was really really happy about the way this all turned out and had a great time with this little cuties. So, without further ado, I give you my finished photographs! 

Did you like them? I think they are so cute! 

I hope you enjoyed looking at these images. Does anybody else like messing around with photography? I think it is so fun!

Holly X

P.s- I can not believe that it is only 1 week until Christmas ! 


Monday 7 December 2015

There is something about a red cup.

There is something about a red cup that makes me very happy. Now I am not talking about the typical 'party red cup'. I am in fact talking about the red Starbucks cup. There is just something about it that screams 'CHRISTMAS IS COMING!' and that brings me an immense amount of excitement. That and they look so cute in photographs right? 

I love creating cute little set-ups like the one in this photograph. In fact lately, I have actually been into learning more about photography and things like that . I find it all so exciting and I can't wait until I am well enough to go on little adventures and take some more exciting photographs. 

Anyway, that's all for today's brief post. I just got very excited when my mum brought me this Starbucks home the other day, and of course, I just had to share it! 

Happy Holidays!

Holly X

Friday 4 December 2015

Yankee Candle Haul ~ Black Friday.

This is officially my first post in December! How exciting! Our tree is up and my Christmas music is blasting so I am beyond ready to start writing some more festive posts. However, today's post is a little less festive as it is a black Friday haul! I am a big lover of hauls (maybe because I am so nosey!) and love seeing what people got on black Friday. So, I thought I would join in and share what I got (a little late but better late than never, right?). I did all of my shopping online because just the thought of trying to shop in person makes me want to cry. Shopping online is so much easier and way more comfortable in my opinion. I purchased some items from both and Yankee candle so I may be dong a boohoo haul soon too! Anyway, on with today's post.

Yankee candle had a deal of purchase £60 worth of items and get a £72 gift set free. Now I had purchased some Christmas gifts from Yankee about a month ago, however, seeing this offer I was very tempted. A lot of my friends and family like candles just as much as me so I decided to go for the offer and buy some birthday gifts for next year too, as well as a few extra Christmas gifts (with a few for myself too). 

First up I got 7 samplers. This included turquoise sky, vanilla lime, ginger dusk, fluffy towels, Serengeti sunset, salted caramel and shea butter. I tried to go for some more versatile candles as I already had quite a number of festive scents. Alongside those I ordered, I also got a free Christmas eve sampler which was a great surprise!

Next, I got four small jar candles in Pineapple Cilantro, Lavender, Angels Wings and Mango Peach Salsa. Again, these are all much more summery and versatile scents as I didn't have as many of them in my collection.

Finally, I got my hands on the free gift set! I will most probably be giving away the majority of this stuff but I do love a good freebie! In this set, I got two wax tarts in Snow In Love and Madagascan Orchid. I really like how this set included both festive and more versatile scents too! Next, there were three samplers in Red Apple Wreath, Midnight Jasmine, and Christmas Cookie. There was also a small jar candle in Honey Glow and a medium jar candle in Pink Sands. Finally, there was a Christmas Cookie car air freshener which I gave to my lovely mother. All in all, I think this was a great set to receive and I am so happy I got it all for free! On top of all of these lovely candles, the bag that they came in was really quite cute and something that I feel I might actually use! I always feel that when you receive a free bag, it's never really that good. However, I was really quite pleased with this one and am very happy with my order.

I hope that you enjoyed this haul and I shall be back soon with some more festive posts! 

Holly X


Monday 30 November 2015

DIY Winter/ Christmas Garland.

With only one day left in November, my Christmas spirit is well under way. I mean I have been feeling the Christmas spirit since September, but at least now it is socially acceptable. I am actually writing this while I listen to Christmas music, having a very good sing-along so my Christmas vibes are through the roof! Anyway, on with the post.

The other week I was longing for some wintery / Christmassy decorations. However, we haven't got the decorations down from the loft yet. So, I figured why not try out a little DIY. This was probably the first major successful DIY I have done so I was feeling very proud after this. 

Today I will be telling you how you can create this super cute and festive garland. This was great fun to make and would be a great idea for a family crafting sesh! It's relatively easy and if I could do it then I am certain you can too. One of my favourite things about this is how it can be used through the entirety of winter and is great for the build up to the festivities. So, with that said, on with the craft!

What you will need:

A wodge of A4 paper in whatever colour/pattern you desire.
(You can also use felt if possible as this will make it stronger.)

Some brown string.

A pair of scissors.

A pre-cut snowflake. 
(You can either create this yourself or print off a template.)

Sticky labels the same colour as your paper.

A hole punch.

Step 1- Fold your paper in half and draw on your snowflake.

Step 2- Cut out your snowflake into individual snowflakes. Repeat this until you have the desired numbered of snowflakes.

Step 3- Punch a hole into one end of the snowflakes. Taking your scissors, snip up the sticky label creating approx 1cm flaps. Then taking your hole punch create a hole in each flap.

Step 4- Cut the flaps into squares with the hole central and apply to the pre-cut hole in your snowflake. This will ensure a stronger hole for threading and reduce the chances of your garland breaking. 

Step 5- Thread the string through the snowflakes and voila! You have a garland!

 You can easily leave your garland as it is at this point and hang it up (I recommend the window or fireplace). However, I decided to add a little more sparkle to my snowflakes by adding glitter!

To do this part you will need:

PVA glue.

Glitter (I chose a copper colour).


A glitter paint.

This step is super simple but makes such a difference. In order to do this, you just need to take your glue and go along the lines in the snowflake.

 Then just sprinkle the glitter and you're done!  Just by adding a little glitter, this garland is transformed and you have a super personal and cute festive decoration! 

This DIY is great fun to make is simple enough for any DIY newbie. It's great for the season and just adds that festive element to your home!

I hope you enjoyed this post and maybe want to give it a go?! 

Happy Holidays and I will speak to you soon!

Holly Xx


Friday 27 November 2015

Christmas/Winter candle.

I am a mahoosive fan of candles all year around. However, when the temperature begins to drop and the scarves come out I get very excited because I know that means the Christmas candles can be released! In my opinion, Christmas really is the most wonderful time of the year and one of my favourite things to do in the build up is to burn a good candle. So you can image my delight when my friend got me an entire box of Christmas candles for my birthday!

The box includes 5 Yankee candles that all smell absolutely heavenly. But, this one just has to be my absolute favourite. I hadn't really come across this one before and in all honesty, I wasn't expecting to like it as much as I did... but it's amazing. It smells like the definition of winter and Christmas and all things great in life! Okay, maybe I am exaggerating a bit but I seriously love it so much and definitely recommend it to anybody who loves Christmas and candles. 

That's all for today but I am just so excited about this candle that I couldn't help but write about it... seriously, give it a whiff!

Holly Xx

Monday 23 November 2015

Autumn/ Winter Fashion || Oversized Tee

I can hardly believe that Autumn is coming to an end already! It seems to have flown by this year, even more than normal. As annoying as that is, I am so so SO excited for Christmas! Yes, I am one of those people who start getting excited for Christmas way back in September. It truly is the most wonderful time of the year!

Anyway, on with today's post. Last week I decided to do a little bit of cheeky online shopping with my birthday money. I often prefer to shop in person as this way you know what you are buying and can get a better understanding of what it will look like on. But being under the weather at the moment, I resorted to a bit of online retail therapy. Thankfully, I love all of my purchases so you can expect some more posts on my purchases soon! One of the items I purchased from New Look was this oversized tee. 

I don't often go for oversized tee's but this one just looked so comfy and I thought it would be perfect for layering up over the colder months. It's a plain tee which makes it very versatile in terms of outfit options too. I seriously love mustard as an autumn colour so I think this will be perfect for the last of Autumn. I also picked up this tee in both green and red (they were on sale!) which will be perfect for the Christmas period!

I am a big fan of this oversized tee and can't wait to share my other purchases too!

Have a lovely day and I will speak to you soon.

Holly X

Friday 20 November 2015

18th Birthday.

I can not believe that I am 18. I seriously do feel like I am old enough to qualify as an adult! I can now legally get married, buy a house and vote. All things that include responsibility and scare me immensely. Anywho, it is what it is.

My 18th birthday was an amazing day. It wasn't exactly the traditional 18th celebrations but it was perfect for me, especially considering how I am still not well. I went for a breakfast brunch with my family at my favourite breakfast place and it was so delicious. I went for my usual... pancakes! Then we came back to our house for a little while to just hang out before a couple of my friends arrived. 

I had the best afternoon catching up with my friends as we watched one of my favourite films (the longest ride), had afternoon tea and finished off the afternoon with some sparklers. It was such a lovely lovely time and it was perfect for me. To finish off my day, I watched another film with the family before heading off to bed.

I really did have an amazing day and am so thankful for all of my friends and family who could celebrate it with me.

Holly Xx

Wednesday 18 November 2015

Getting A Diagnosis~ Lyme Disease.

I have been wanting to write this post for quite some time but it never really felt right (I will explain why later) until now. This blog has always been something quite personal to me and I am usually pretty happy to share what is going on in my life. I really enjoy having this blog and enjoy sharing these parts of my life. However, it can also be a little daunting sharing such personal things, so bare with me. In this case, I feel the need to share not only for my personal gain but in hope that it will educate others in an area I feel not many are aware of.

So, in my case this all started about 6 months ago, towards the end of May. I remember suddenly getting pretty ill. I was completely wiped out and was struggling to go about my normal day. Being around the time of my exams, I assumed that the stress of A-levels and revision had just exhausted me and that I would feel better within a few days of rest. Throughout my life I have had a tendency to get sick pretty easily and was always catching a cold. So, when this came along I didn't think much of it. I thought that it was a little odd how quickly it had come on, but I just assumed that it was nothing too major. Then, I started to accumulate more symptoms. Along with this intense fatigue, I started to get really strong headaches, pain throughout my body and my vision started playing up. I have never had great vision, hence why I have glasses, but it just got worse very suddenly and my glasses didn't make much of a difference. After this, we decided it would be a good idea to take a trip to the doctors. 

Over the next month, I had taken numerous trips to doctors, had a few different blood tests (which I really did not enjoy by the way... I have a tendency to get more than a little faint), get even worse symptoms and still no answers. By this point I was having chest pains, more frequent pains in my knees and back, difficulty concentrating and with my memory and all my previous symptoms had worsened. Overall, I just really did not feel like myself. Typically, I think that I am a pretty positive and bubbly person, but practically overnight I had switched and just felt like a completely different person. At this point, the doctors were struggling to give me a diagnosis, all tests had come back normal, including Lyme's, and it was beginning to look like I had CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome). I really didn't feel like this was my diagnosis but I couldn't think of any other answers. Throughout this time, I was constantly asked about my home life and school like, asking if I was depressed. I can obviously understand why they have to ask this but I knew that I wasn't depressed and I knew that it wasn't all in head. But as time went on and we still had no answers, I began to worry that maybe I just needed to get over it. I knew that as hard as I tried, that wouldn't work but I was simply running out of options. 

I had started my first part-time job back at easter and only a couple of months in I had to take a month off due to the illness. Having had a month's rest and no longer having to worry about school, I felt a little better and managed to go back to work. This was only a part-time job where I worked 5 hours, twice a week but I still struggled with this. I had to sleep before going and I was in pain the entire time. It was really difficult and I dreaded it each week. However, I needed to earn the money to pay for a exhibition planned for 2016. It finally came to the end of summer and I knew that school would be starting soon. I knew that I wouldn't be able to manage school and work together and it really worried me. But, I sat down and figured out that I should have earned just enough money alongside the other fundraising ideas I had planned. I was so so thankful that I was then able to quit my job. I hadn't had the job very long but it was what was best for me and I knew I would be a lot happier without the job to worry about. 

The next week, school had started and I was feeling well enough to attend. I didn't feel like my normal self, but it was good enough. I was still having difficulty in class in terms of my concentration and memory abilities but I just figured that I needed to work harder. I think this was around this time that a lovely lady from our church got in touch and asked us if I had been tested for Lymes disease. She had a friend who was diagnosed with Lyme after many many years. Many years too late for him. My symptoms sounded very familiar to him and he was worried about me. We then got into contact with him where he began to share his knowledge about the disease with us. I hadn't really ever heard of the disease up until then and found it all very interesting. It was around this time that we discovered that the tests in the UK are very unreliable and that the doctors do not know very much about this Lyme disease. I didn't remember having a bulls-eye rash, the main symptom that doctors appear to use for this diagnosis, nor did I remember ever seeing a tick on myself. As familiar as the symptoms sounded to me, I just didn't think I could have this disease. 

By the start of October I was missing school. My symptoms had worsened again and I literally felt as if my body was shutting down. It then continued to get worse to the point where some days I couldn't even get out of bed. I believe it was around this time that we decided to look into private Lyme testing in Germany. We had discovered that this rash was only found in about 50% of sufferers and that ticks can be as small as a poppy seed meaning that I could easily have been bitten without realising. The more research I did, the more people I found who also didn't realise they had been bitten and had very similar symptoms. Speaking to this friend who is a sufferer, he also was feeling worried for me as he recognised the signs and symptoms all too well. We also had learnt that the longer you leave treatment, the worse the disease gets and can leave you with lifelong issues. With this in mind and still no answers, we decided to go with the private tests. I was very fortunate that my parents were willing to go to this effort and pay the additional money or the private tests as I know that no everybody would be this lucky. 

We had the blood taken and sent off to Germany and my symptoms continued. I was too unwell to complete any school work and was always worrying about my health, my education and even my future. It felt like this illness was going to stick with me forever and I worried that I wouldn't be able to live the life I wanted. I am a pretty positive person and I tried to keep these thoughts at bay, but as you can imagine, they arose every now and then. About a week after sending the blood, we got the results. My mum was actually out when she received the e-mail but she couldn't open the document on her phone so she called me to do it from home. I was seriously hoping that the results would be positive (as strange as that may sound) because I was just dying for an answer. I was really really nervous before opening the e-mail and I was shaking like a leaf.

I finally opened the document to see the words 'negative' over and over. My heart sank as I assumed this meant no more answers. However, I then scrolled through the rest of the document where there were lots more results with numbers and other things I didn't really understand. One thing that stood out to me was 'indication for an actual cellular activity against borrelia burgdorferi'. To me, this sounded like it was saying I did have the disease. At this point I was just very confused and didn't know what to think. So, my mum send these results to a lady from the private testing base in England and to our friend, the sufferer, asking if they could interpret this for us. To which they responded telling us that it looked like I did, in fact, have Lyme disease! I was so so so beyond happy upon receiving the news. I had finally been given an answer after 6 months of struggling and a month of being in bed. I know that some people go years and years and years without getting diagnosed and I really feel for those people. I am very thankful that we were able to go down this route and finally receive at least some form of answer.

Throughout this time I have often wanted to write about it on my blog. However, considering I had no idea what was wrong with me, I didn't know what to write. I also had many theories about what it could be but didn't want to offend anybody who was an actual sufferer. Finally, when I did have something confirmed to say, I felt too unwell to write about it, hence why it has taken me so long to write this post. 

I am very aware of how huge this post is right now so I think that will be all for this post. However, I still have a ton more to share about the symptoms in detail, trying to get treatment, my NHS journey (the different hospitals and tests) and where I am at now. I plan on sharing all of this information, but if you have any specific questions about this then feel free to leave a comment or contact me directly. 

I am still not well, however, I am getting there and feeling better than I have in weeks and weeks. 

Thanks for reading,

Holly Xx


Friday 9 October 2015

Messy bun.

A messy bun is my go-to lazy hair. Having thick curly hair, having it down often leaves me feeling like a lion (I am hoping to get it cut soon so hopefully that will solve my problem. I can't wait!) . I also hate having my hair in my face most of the time so I end up just throwing it back into a messy bun. Now the typical 'messy bun' is usually pretty high and looks cute and messy. However, this does not work for me I have quite a lot of thick hair. This means that in an attempt to create this cute bun the whole messy aspect just doesn't work and the actual bun is big and heavy meaning that gravity takes over pulling it down. In result, it pulls on my head and creates this whole 'flat on top and big on the back' kind of vibe. Definitely not cute.

So, I have discovered the perfect way to create my own messy bun that looks pretty cute and doesn't pull at all. It is a very basic low messy bun that is great for when you just need tog et your hair out of your face. In order to create this, you take a hair band on your wrist and just pull your hair into a low ponytail. However, when pulling the hair through, don't pull it through the entire way. Then, twist the band and repeat the last process until the band is right. Super easy, super cute and it literally takes 10 seconds. 

Here are a few pics of the end product...

I hope you enjoyed reading about my messy bun and maybe you fancy giving this a go too. To make this a little less messy you can pin the bun into shape or you can just leave it as is, the choice is yours.

Have a lovely weekend and I will speak to you soon.

Holly X

Friday 2 October 2015

Awkward English Weather

I can't believe it is October already! That panics me because it means there are only 2 months left this year and that is terrifying. However, that also means that we are officially fully into the swing of autumn and that is pretty damn fabulous. It's no secret that I love the Autumn. I love the tea, the crunchy leaves, and fluffy blankets. I love it all! However, I always forget about that awkward transitioning stage in between summer and autumn. Now, of course, England seems to attract all things awkward in terms of weather and this is no exception. 

I am talking about the 'freezing in the morning and hot later on' kind of thing. For example, the other day when I woke for school it was 7 degrees Celsius (i.e- cold!). Yet by the afternoon it had over doubled and was 15 degrees (not particularly hot but quite the difference). So naturally in the cold morning, you layer up. Add your thick sweater, a coat and maybe even a scarf. Yet by noon you're sweating profusely. It is not a good look!

Now this is pretty annoying and makes choosing an outfit even harder than usual. However, despite my annoyance, I still love autumn and am super excited for the next couple of months! 

Thanks for reading and have a lovely weekend.

Does anybody else have this struggle or is it just me?

Holly X

Friday 25 September 2015


Today I wanted to talk a little bit about a project created by Bailee Madison called #ImMoreThanAWord. If you haven't read the original post you can click here and check it out (I totally recommend reading it because she words it perfectly and explains it very well). She has also put together a lovely video that you can check out here too.

I highly recommend checking out those links as I think that this project is a very important one.The basis of this project is labelling, something that the majority of us will be familiar with. With the increasing popularity of the internet, labelling becomes even easier and this can often result in an ever growing population of insecurities. 

However, although the internet is a great place for finding insecurity, it can also be a great place for finding confidence and support. Something that I feel this project is helping to do and something I feel is extremely important. 

As Bailee said 'YOU are worth so much more than a word' and you shouldn't forget that.

For a much better written and well-organised explanation on this project please check out Bailee's post. 

Holly X

P.s- Sorry this is such an unorganised post but I am a huge fan of this project and am 1000% for any project that is aimed at building self-esteem and helping others. 

Wednesday 23 September 2015

Overwhelmed by life.

I have been pretty absent in the last few weeks and I think it is about time I return. It wasn't exactly a planned absence, but life happened and before I knew it I was without my precious blog and feeling rather unhappy about it. So with this realisation, I have hopped back onto my laptop and made a gracious return. 

However, first I should explain. A few weeks ago, I started school again. I am currently undertaking 3 A levels and am in my final (and very stressful) year of sixth form. Despite only being a few weeks in, I am already extremely overwhelmed, extremely stressed and have had numerous breakdowns. Now A-levels aren't exactly known for their easy going nature, however, there are a few factors that I feel are making it extra difficult for me. 

Firstly, I missed a lot of the summer work. In between the AS exams and summer break, my school lessons continued. However, I then got ill. Now I don't mean the 'off for a few days with a bug' kind of ill, nor do I mean the 'I have a nasty cold kind of ill'. It was more of an 'I am struggling to get out of bed for weeks and weeks' kind of ill. Now I don't want to go into this too much now, but I still am struggling with it on and off now, and we are yet to get a diagnosis. However, for anybody with an interest, I plan on writing a post about this, once it gets a diagnosis. This way I don't offend anybody with my paranoid assumptions e.c.t. Anyway, I am getting sidetracked... this illness meant I missed an awful lot of school. In result, meaning I missed an awful lot of lessons. Now, of course, I tried to get work as much as I could but 1- Getting sent work is never as good as being in the lesson and 2- When you feel ill, you can't really learn things very well... it just doesn't work. So when I returned to school, I was already behind. Now my teachers gave me some resources to help, but trying to learn that on top of the new work has been really quite difficult. On top of that, everybody else in the class is ahead and that certainly doesn't help because being the person that I am, I get very worked up over small things. 

Secondly, I have suddenly changed my future plans. While everybody else is writing personal statements and applying for uni, I have been having a breakdown and completely changing my future plans. I don't mean just changing my choice of university. I mean changing the entire course and questioning everything I had previously planned. For years and years and years, I had vaguely planned to become a primary school teacher. The idea sounded nice and I had been told I would be good at it. I had no other ideas as to what career to go into so I just went with it. However, the other day after discussing it with a couple friends, I changed my mind. I then went home and researched and have come to the conclusion that I may want to do an entirely different course. Now this sounds really exciting to me, but I still have that worry that I have made this decision on a whim, Now this is probably me just being a worrier again, but there you have it. 

This brings me onto my next point of having to up my grades.. .quite a bit. This sudden change in plans has in return made me realise that I can aim a lot higher than I originally thought I could. I want to get the best grades I can and challenge myself to just be a better person. Now this sounds a little cheesy I know, but it is true. So, I have been trying to work harder and study more. However, I get overwhelmed very easily. I get stressed very easily and I get anxious about certain things very quickly. Therefore, I need to take time out and relax and do things for myself. However, I feel so tired that I can't do anything that is actually good for myself (i.e- my blog) and end up doing things that are easily accessible (i.e- scrolling social media). In result, I don't get anything at all productive done and feel guilty for it. I then end up beating myself up about it and it all spirals. 

Now there are still quite a few points I could talk about so maybe I will do a second post on this, but the last point for today is that I am still ill. I mentioned this earlier and like I said, I don't want to go into this now. However, this makes me feel very exhausted and isn't making my already pretty stressful situation any easier. I am currently trying to work on some techniques/ideas to help myself relax and de-stress so once I have got these sorted I will share them. 

So that is all for today's post. I am feeling so very overwhelmed right now but am glad to be making my blog a priority again. Just writing this post has already helped me to breathe a little and constantly makes me happy. 

Thank you for reading and have a lovely day.

Holly Xx

Friday 4 September 2015

My Bank Holiday Monday.

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Happy Friday! This week has been pretty busy for me (hence the lack of posts- I explain more later) and Monday feels like it was weeks ago. However, today I wanted to share what I got up to last Monday as I had a lovely time. 

So as it was Bank Holiday, the entire family had the day off and we decided to go to Weston-Super-Mare. We never made it to the beach this summer and the weather was being very English so we decided on Weston. Weston is great for days like this as it still counts as a beach, but it has lots more to do. So we all grabbed our Wellies and coats and drove up there.

Once we arrived we headed to the pier. We all brought along our 2ps and spent them all on the 2p machine where I won a little teddy bear! Then we headed to a little restaurant where I had a sausage, chips and gravy (a beach day must!). A lovely lady thought me and my sister were twins because we both had our hair in braids and had matching coats. People often say that but I don't see it ! Haha! Having finished that we headed to the ice cream parlour. Now let me tell you about this ice cream parlour. The interior is very diner like (which I love) and they do the most amazing ice cream sundaes. So, of course, we purchased a HUGE sundae that is probably meant for 4 and shared it between 2. Then once we had eaten too much and felt a little sick, we headed down to the beach area. It was very muddy as the tide was way out (typical for Weston) but we were prepared so we went and enjoyed the mud. We messed around and laughed a lot. It was great fun! We finally headed off the beach where I went on the Ferris Wheel and Carousel (still my favourite beach ride) before finishing our day at Costa.

I had an amazing day and enjoyed every second of it. I also managed to snap some lovely pics that I might share some other time. Thanks for reading and have a lovely weekend. 

Holly X

P.s- It appears that school and blogging 5 days a week are a little difficult and I don't want my posts to become rushed and boring. Therefore I have decided to commit only to 1/2 blog posts a week. If I have more time then I will post more but I just thought I would let those who are interested or follow my blog aware.


Friday 28 August 2015

Windy Walks.

I was just browsing through some of the many photographs on my laptop when I came across my photography album. This is the folder where I put some of my favourite photographs, including this one.

I particularly love this photograph and thought I would share it. This was taken a little while ago, but I can still remember the day. It was a kind of cloudy, pretty chilly and very windy day and we had decided to go for a walk. It was up a local hill and of course, got windier the higher we got. I remember laughing at how we could lean into the wind and when you jumped you felt like you were flying. It was a lovely day. 

The boy in the image is one of my brothers, Alfie. I love the angle this was taken and I LOVE it in black and white. I was pretty proud of this photo if I say so myself. 

That is all for today's rather short post. I love sharing some of my favourite photographs and maybe I will be sharing more in the future. 

Thank you for reading and have a lovely weekend.

Holly X

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