Saturday 3 February 2024

Is blogging still alive in 2024?


Well hi there my little blog. Long time no see. I have spent the morning down memory lane and remembered just how much I used to love blogging. This year, I am on a quest to pursue the things I loved/ once loved in an attempt to reignite my love for hobbies. 

In an age of technology where there is always a series to binge, a YouTube video to watch or an app to scroll on, I feel the art of hobbies has been lost. And personally, that is not ok for me. I have always been a hobby girl. I loved my own company and would always find things to do as a child. I'm sure I got bored at times but I just don't remember feeling that boredom as a child and I feel in part that is because of my love of hobbies.

I truly think that hobbies make us more interesting, increase our resilience to stress and just help us enjoy the beauty of life. So with that in mind, I am trying to reignite my love of hobbies which has brought me back to my blog. I missed you.

Which brings me to my question... is blogging still a thing? I started my blog in 2013 and feel like blogging was all the rage at this time. But is the art of blogging still alive in 2024? I have no idea! I know I don't consume blog content in the same way I once did. Maybe the nature of blogging has just evolved and I am a little behind. Or maybe it's dying a death and I just need to accept that. 

In all honestly, I am not sure it really matters. I never started my blog with the intention of people reading it, as odd as that may sound. It was always just a fun creative outlet for me. At the end of the day, the beauty of a hobby is that they are something you do for fun, to please nobody but yourself. And maybe that is why they feel so important. Because as life goes on, and we prioritise stability and caring for those around us, rather than those who are being cared for, we can lose touch with ourselves and that selfishly necessary pleasure of pursuing things you enjoy. They help to shape us as individuals and help us feel fulfilled in our lives. 

 And on that note... I officially pronounce this blog - alive and well!

I would love to know... what hobbies have you carried to adulthood? How has your relationship with hobbies changed over time? 

With love,

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